Pros of drinking warm water

So how good is it to drink warm water?
drinking warm water # make breathing better .. You can try it yourself as well. Especially when you have a cold or a stuffy nose, you’ll find that after drinking warm water, your breathing improves.
Especially if it is warm water that is boiled with herbs such as
(either one), then it will enhance the effect. Help me breathe faster.
Plus, drinking warm water will help improve blood circulation.
Thai traditional healers often recommend using The water is boiled as sap water. Other (because of boiled water will mean clean water and through disinfection whether the virus or bacteria in a simple way)
This era is that we all need to consider. information from the media in each location well received and should be observing their own body in all matters what our body needs Even drinking water itself must be attentive.
Choose to drink water that is balanced and suitable for your body at that time. It is more important to drink enough water to meet our needs.
# Caring for the elderly with Thai traditional medicine.💕
#goodganic #goodganicthailand #herb


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